The School Charter, set out below, is provided by The Schools Trust. It sets the direction upon which the school grows and assesses success.
The School Charter
First and foremost, school should be fun. Confident, happy children who enjoy their time at school are more likely to succeed at school and in life.
Academic Achievement
Strong academic achievement is of course at the core of our mission. Starting with a focus on numeracy and literacy, we encourage and support pupils to achieve to a high level. Excellent academic results and entry to well-regarded universities around the world are expected.
A Broad Curriculum
We encourage and support children to explore pursuits outside academics. While we provide a broad range of opportunities, pupils have the chance to develop a particular interest to a depth and level at which they may excel.
Character & Personal Development
A fundamental role of the school is to develop pupils character. Personal traits we admire such as curiosity, endeavour and respect for others are developed in children in small ways and large through the actions and behaviour modelled by the adults in their environment every day of their school lives.
Working at the School
The school is a challenging and rewarding place to work. Calculated risk-taking in pursuit of the development of the school is encouraged. Meaningful professional development is supported. The school expects to maintain a reputation as a place to develop one’s career.
The Campus
The school campus is developed to provide the space, facilities and resources to support the educational objectives of the school. The school provides a welcoming physical environment that celebrates pupil achievement. Facilities are of a high quality and are well maintained.